2 Peter: Living for God in Difficult Days

The much-neglected 2nd letter of Peter was written to Christians living in the latter half of the 1st Century.  He doesn’t specify who they are or where they are which makes the application of what he says appropriate for a wide audience, which includes 21st Century Christians.

His original hearers were Christians, but it seems from what he writes, they were experiencing considerable difficulties.  Many of the issues they faced arose from false teachers with new ideas that undermined the truths of God and the gospel.   This was having the effect of shaking their faith, leading to doubts and a rejection of Christ.

As we study this letter, we will hear the echoes of history that resonate with our age and culture and challenge us to be strong in the strength God provides for life and godliness.

Series Sermons

2 Peter 1:1-11 - Build on what you have been given - Michael (Video)
Evening Service, Sunday, May 1, 2022
The apostle Peter’s 2nd letter opens with eleven verses which remind Christians of the new life they have received. This is a description of the authentic Christian life and differs from the immoral and godless one displayed by false teachers. Through our knowledge of the Lord, we have obtained a faith with divine power and precious promises. By such promises, Peter urges us to escape the corruption that is in the world, know Christ and add certain qualities. As we do so, we can be sure we will enter the eternal kingdom of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ.
2 Peter 1:12-21 - Keep Focussed - Alex Warren (Video)
Evening Service, Sunday, May 8, 2022
The letter of 2 Peter is an urgent reminder to God's people to live Christ-like lives as they look forward to Christ's return. It's tempting to doubt whether Jesus is really returning and it's tempting to give in to pressure from the world around us to live it's way rather than growing in godliness. Peter calls us to pay attention to the bible, which is God's utterly reliable word. God's word shows us that Jesus is really returning and strengthens us to live holy lives, always looking forward to seeing Jesus face to face when he returns.
2 Peter 2 - Predators on the Prowl - David Knowles (Video) (Audio Only) Download Powerpoint
Evening Service, Sunday, May 15, 2022
Down through the years Satan's most successful method of destroying the church is to work through insiders. Peter gives a salutary warning of the danger they present to Gospel work and Christian witness.
2 Peter 3 - The Day will come - Scott Hamilton (Video) (Audio Only)
Evening Service, Sunday, May 22, 2022
In this passage the Apostle Peter compels us to be ready for the day of Jesus return by remembering God's judgement, His patience and His grace.