2 Thessalonians

This past year, through Leviticus, Acts, Proverbs and Luke, as well as the series ‘going against the flow’ and ‘cultivating an appetite for the things of God’, we have been learning more about what it means to live for Jesus every day. It’s been challenging at times but hopefully also encouraging. Rather than put Daniel and Joseph on a pedestal, these ordinary men remind us that it is possible, with God’s presence, to live extra ordinary lives, to the glory of the name of Jesus. To help us revisit some of the themes of this past year we will look at the second letter Paul wrote to the church in Thessalonica. The recurring themes include standing firm, steadfastness in the face of persecution, and our call to mission that comes from a heart directed to the love of God. Our hope is that this wonderful letter may help us apply the many things God is teaching us individually and as a church as we go into the summer.

Series Sermons

2 Thessalonians 1 - Worthy of His Calling - Christiaan Hofstra (Audio Only)
Morning Service, Sunday, June 12, 2016
Facing the Future - Alan Paterson (Audio Only)
Morning Service, Sunday, June 19, 2016
There is a pause in the recording due to circumstances during the service. The recording continues after a minute or so.